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September 23, 2006



We support both the LA and San Francisco branches of SPCA. LA has finally begun to try to catch up to the innovations that SF keeps making. And it was hugely encouraging that the new head of LA's animal control system has pledged to work toward making LA another 'no-kill' city.


If I was in the area, we'd be joining you and inviting friends. This is something DH and I feel passionately about. You'll represent well, Trish!!


Thanks, Bri! Somebody has to look out for the little critters! I could probably do more, though.


Good for you, Trish! You know how I am about the critters, too. Sometimes I think I am the local Humane Shelter. ;-} Two of my three pets right now are strays who found me.


Oh, too bad Miss Sugar and I can't join you...not that she'd be well behaved in a crowd anyhow.....

Who gets pooper scooper detail after the walk?

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